Peacemaker Season One Review

Peacemaker Season One Review

So the initial idea that they were going to base an HBO Max series on one of the list likeable characters from The Suicide Squad had me questioning their choices. Then I saw James Gunn was involved and I thought, OK, let's see what happens. He's a master of bringing obscure characters to life, a la Guardians of the Galaxy.

For the first few episodes I wasn't really sold. It's not too say that I didn't like it, but I wasn't all-in with the characters or story. By about episode four or five, however, the switch flipped and I started to look forward to the new episode each week. By the finale I was chomping at the bit to watch (which may be a partial reason I woke up so early today).

Gunn brings a group of misfits (further) into the DCU and builds their character over the season. He could have easily made some characters sit in the background and throw quips now and then but instead each had an important role to play. (P.S. Eagly is the best and needs his own spin-off show!)

For a show I started with hesitation on liking, I really enjoyed this series. I am so glad they got a second season and look forward to where they bring it from here!

I'll recommend this show but realize that it is NOT for the kiddos. Tons of cursing, some nudity, and plenty of gruesome kills.

P.S. No spoilers but the last few minutes of the season created an interesting domino effect going forward

P.S.S. Starting with a mission this big I wonder how they will one-up it in season two?
