Looking for Alibrandi (1999)

Today's movie of the day = Look for Alibrandi. It's another Australian film and this one stars Pia Miranda (who I know from Australian Survivor).

I couldn't make it through this one. I had about twenty minutes left and it just isn't my kind of film. It was almost like a made for TV film. The story didn't grab my attention and I found myself looking at my phone more and more as it went on.

I will say that Pia Miranda did a good job with what she had. This appears to have been her first film and she held her own. That and she's cute as a button. It's just that the story was not there for me.

I do wonder, however, if her co-star, Anthony LaPaglia had anything to do with her getting on Australian Survivor as his brother is Jonathan LaPaglia. I thought that was a fun coincidence. :)

You may like this film if you like some of those 90s teen types of films. That being said, I can't recommend this one as I couldn't make it through.
