Wolf Creek (2005)

Today's movie of the day = Wolf Creek. Another on my Australian film list from @matt_dyson_

This one was OK. If it wasn't based on a true story it would fall into a 'seen it before' category. It's a mix of U-Turn, Texas Chainsaw Massacre, and one other I'm drawing a blank on but had in my head before writing this up. (I remembered partway through...Hostel).

I think one of the big reasons it was only an OK film is it took forever to get to the point. 45 minutes in and nothing happened unless you enjoy watching three young people on a road trip through Western Australia. They really needed to tighten that part up.

The good about it is that the bad guy did a good job and was pretty creepy. As the story (finally) progresses, things come to light that make it even more so.

My biggest problem with the film, however, is how stupid the three young people are. Heck, we don't even see one of them for a long time. They make a series of incredibly stupid mistakes along the way which almost become laughably bad. For having a true story, the writers seem to have no idea how to progress without evidence of the situation.

It's not a bad film. It does have some tense moments. I just had a hard time getting past the stupidity of the characters. However, that being said, you can see how it could happen in the remoteness of the western outback.

I am split on recommending this one. If you like a somewhat cheesy thriller/horror film, go for it. But there are better ones out there.
