The Expanse Series Review

The Expanse Series Review

Just finished the series finale and it was all I had hoped for. It followed the books enough to know what was coming (mostly) yet has a few tricks up it's sleeve. That finale was better than most big budget science fiction films.

I've praised the series again and again and again for the last several years since it came out. I had NOT read the books before watching the series so I went in with a fresh set of eyes. That being said, Lisa and I usually give a show three chances and it's out. For some reason we got to the third episode and we weren't quite sold, BUT, we ended up trying it for one more episode and it had such an amazing ending we continued and it became one of our all-time favorite shows.

To see the growth of characters over the seasons has been awesome. It started straying a bit from the books (and yes, I've since read them all (except the new one which I don't think is out yet)) but it became a solid combination of original material which was in line with the core of the books.

The series is heavily steeped in more 'real' space travel and how things would be if people were born in space (i.e. Belters). The motives for the Inners, Belters, and Martians were all great in their own right. A big reason the series works so well is that the dynamics between the different groups of people feels believable. It feels like it could be a true future if humanity.

I could really go on and on about this series. We absolutely loved it. That being said, I'm highly skeptical that this will be the last season as they still have three books to go and have already started a setup of season seven. Whether it continues with Amazon (under a different main title) or is picked up elsewhere, I don't think the adventures of James, Naomi, Amos, and the rest will end. The show is too good to end it prematurely and there are only three more books in the series.

Will I recommend this? Absolutely! But be sure to give it a chance and get to at least episode four. Once you hit that episode it's a crazy roller coaster from then on out!
