The Dry (2020)

Today's movie of the day = The Dry. It's the last of the recommendations of @matt_dyson_ in my Australian film marathon. I do intend on watching Rams tomorrow and Strictly Ballroom (for the umpteenth time) this week as well.

For The Dry, I do like mystery movies but I usually don't like them much as I either figure them out too fast and wait for the movie to come to the same conclusion or the movie tries to be clever and hides key facts, making it impossible to know what is going on. Thankfully, The Dry is neither of these so I enjoyed it.

I will say that I did figure out the who of the whodunnit but not the why. I just made an educated guess and was right. The thing with this film, however, is that there are two mysteries and I did NOT figure out the second one.

I will say that the ending of this film is pretty depressing. Like I said, I did not figure it out but one it was revealed it was pretty impactful. The main mystery is also depressing but didn't feel quite as grim.

This one fits into those moody mystery films which don't allow the main characters to show any emotion. That and they have that moody music playing throughout. The environment also adds to the ambiance so it helps set the tone.

Eric Bana did well, as always, in this one. It is kinda funny to see how goofy he was in The Castle (in his small role) and how serious he is here.

Yes, I'll recommend this one but be prepared for being depressed after it is over.
