Yojimbo (1961)

Today's movie of the day = Yojimbo. I'm starting my Akira Kurosawa marathon.

This one has also been remade several times with one of the most popular being A Fistful of Dollars. I actually find it interesting that when I looked up Kurosawa remakes, he has a ton and Yojimbo has been done several times.

The general story is a samurai comes to a town plagued with a gang war which had essentially shut down the town. The samurai happens upon the town and starts to cause a bidding war for his services.

As the film progresses it is clear there is more to the samurai than money. The back and forth are some of the best parts of the film.

I only have one small problem with this film. They have so many characters that are introduced quickly that I had trouble tracking who was on whose side. It is only a minor problem though.

It was cool to see the origin of this type of story. The characters were fun to watch and, while it was over the top at times, it was entertaining. Oh, and this is the least bloody samurai film ever. HA!

Yes, I'd recommend this film. I'd also recommend following it up with A Fistful of Dollars so you can see how the Americans did it. (Just for fun)
