The Wind Rises (2013)

Today's movie of the day = The Wind Rises. I almost forgot to post this one. It was the last of my Miyazaki run and, by a longshot, the worst.

Now, I've been touting Miyazaki's brilliance for the last nine days as I went through his catalogue of films. I only really found flaw in Ponyo but even then, it's still a decent film, just not as good as the others. The Wind Rises, however? Maybe there is a reason he hasn't made a film in seven years.

I call this one 'Day job'. It follows the main character, who is an aeronautical engineer as he builds a plane for Japan. There, I just saved you two hours and had complete spoilers.

Truly, almost nothing happens in this film. It is long, pointless, and neverending. The first fifteen minutes or show had some interesting things happen but that was it. I actually felt like turning this one off but second guessed myself.

It may sound like I'm being overly harsh but no, I'm not. Maybe I'm taking it out of context since the greatness of his other films shine so brightly but I think, even as a standalone, it just sits there like a fish flopping on the shore.

If you couldn't tell, no, I absolutely will not recommend this one. Go get a root canal instead. You can thank me later.
