The Matrix Resurrections (2021)

Today's movie of the day = The Matrix Resurrections.


Just... Ugh.


Really. Why?

This series should have ended with the first film and it would have been perfect.

I'll give some credit to The Animatrix as it's a pretty decent set of stories. However, The Matrix 2 and 3 (I can't even remember their names) were unnecessary and this fourth one was even more so. Oh, and the video game was pretty fun.

I call this one ADD theater as it kept getting distracted by itself. It's like it kept seeing a squirrel. It tried to be clever and instead just dropped every ball in doing so. It went all Meta but not in a fun way. Instead it was just annoying.

Changing out the actors for Laurence Fishburne and Hugo Weaving was a big mistake as well as it was completely unnecessary. There was also a lame attempt at explaining why Neo is even alive. (I had blocked The Matrix 2 and 3 so I completely forgot he had even died at the end of 3!).

The story for this one goes nowhere. I was bored for 90% of it. There are about three action sequences and they aren't very memorable.

Let the franchise die. Please.

No, I will not recommend this one. Go watch a John Wick movie instead and see Keanu as an awesome lead rather than this schlock.
