The Hidden Fortress (1958)

Today's movie of the day = The Hidden Fortress. Yet another collaboration between Kurosawa and Mifune. This one is a classic where George Lucas would get some of his ideas for Star Wars from.

At the core of it, a princess is escorted by a rough and tough soldier to safety through enemy territories. Along for the ride are two greedy buffoons who continually plot to steal a fortune in gold.

This one is a classic and one I've seen before but not for a long time. Mifune is just such a great actor that I can see why Kurosawa chose to use him so much. He's got a lot of swagger which sells his character. He's got a smile that is both charismatic and says to tread carefully around him.

The other characters are fun as well. The idiot sidekicks are comic relief but at the same time you want to slap them because they are such idiots. The princess is a good character as well.

This is one of the great ones from Kurosawa. It's also one of his more known ones due to the tie-in with Star Wars.

Yes, I'd recommend this one with no conditions.
