Spider-man: No Way Home (2021)

How fitting that this is the 100th post.

Today's movie of the day (spoiler-free) = Spider-man: No Way Home.

There would be so many things I'd love to discuss about some of the things that happen in this film but you know I keep it spoiler-free. There are some general things I can say least talk about.

First, this is easily one of the best MCU films, hands down. It has all of the great components of an awesome film and then some. Out of all of the different versions and films, this one has more heart than all of them combined.

One big thing is that Peter Parker is still a kid but finally starts maturing as a character. He has to make some decisions that are bigger than himself.

If you haven't seen the trailer, ignore this part. Having several past villains in it added a fun layer of depth. There might have been some cheesy villains in films past but a couple of them get more character development. I particularly liked Willem Dafoe's character arc and acting in this one.

Overall I'll likely see this one in the theater again. It's so good on IMAX and the action scenes are so well choreographed.

If you couldn't tell, I'd definitely recommend this one as soon as you can to avoid any potential spoilers. It's so worth it to see it with a crowd that appreciates the MCU and Spider-man!
