Rent (2005)

Today's movie of the day = Rent. This was the film adaptation. After seeing tick, tick...Boom! the other day I was interested in seeing it. I knew two songs before seeing it but that was it.

Overall I'm mixed in this one. The first half was so slow, I got bored. At that point I just wasn't into it. The second half, thankfully, was better and did a better job telling the stories of the characters.

It was fun seeing Anthony Rapp in a lead role other than Star Trek: Discovery. Rosario Dawson was also fun to see and I looked up to make sure she sang her part, which she did and was impressive. The cast was all pretty decent.

I didn't like the story as much though. It wasn't the content but it just seemed disjointed. You start connecting with some characters and then they are left behind with no real reason, IMHO.

The music was decent but I'll probably only remember the two tunes I knew going in plus the Boheme one (pictured here) which was my favorite scene in the film.

For a musical I wasn't as excited by this one. I can see why people love it but I didn't feel the love.

It's one of those that is good to have in your lexicon of knowledge but not one you need to make a point to see unless you have a couple of spare hours.
