Princess Mononoke (1997)

Today's movie of the day = Princess Mononoke. I have seen this one before but it's been a long time.

I'm torn on this one. I've been really enjoying the run of Miyazaki. There is a big change in tone with this film, however. I will start by saying I still enjoy it for what it is but it feels a little out of place in his film run. It really should be called Prince Ashitaka as it is more his story than the Princess's.

This is one where it gets more vicious. There is a lot of death and graphic violence in this one. I remembered some of it but some areas are really graphic. This is one that could give your kiddo nightmares.

My biggest thing about this is that the story gets really confusing in the middle. There are several groups of humans with different motivations and it is not really apparent why. Had they stuck to the story about Lady Eboshi and the ironworks I think it would have made for a more continuous storyline. Instead they throw in different factions doing different things and they all look alike so I had no idea what was going on for the third act.

This is still a strong Miyazaki film but didn't rank as highly as some of his others for me. I will recommend it, but with that stipulation that it is very different and a lot darker than previous films.

P.S. The moral of the story is that humans suck
