My Neighbor Totoro (1988)

Today's movie of the day = My Neighbor Totoro. Continuing my Miyazaki run. I remember this one from way back when but I had forgot some things about it.

One big thing is how little Totoro is actually in the film. I think he might have had about ten minutes of screen time total. The thing is, those ten minutes are magical and being the film to a higher level.

The story is about a father and his two daughters who move to a new house in the countryside. It is very isolated and surrounded by forest. The movie focuses on the two girls, especially the 4-year old Mei, as they have fun exploring.

As you may expect, they run into Totoro and other magical creatures. It's hard to compare this one to other films but figure Elliott from Pete's Dragon crossed with a giant stuffed animal. And the Knight Bus from Harry Potter as a cat.

I remember liking this one when I last saw it (which may have been nearly thirty years ago) but I like it even more now as an adult. There is very much a feel of 80s fantasy movie nostalgia going on. It makes sense, as it was released in 1988. There is a sense of wonder and adventure in it.

As I stated yesterday, I'll recommend this one because it's Miyazaki. And this one is good for the kiddos, for sure!
