Howl's Moving Castle (2004)

Today's movie of the day = Howl's Moving Castle. I had seen this one before and it was my favorite of the Miyazaki films that I had seen. It is still in second place for me but My Neighbor Totoro has squeaked by for my top position. (I have three more to judge before making that final determination)

One of the things I love about this one is it feels like a modern day fairy tale. It's got the magic. It's got great characters. It's got a decent background story. It just has a lot of components that make you connect with the characters more, IMHO. I loved Calcifer and Turnip Head, almost equally.

I think I will have to go back to watch this again in the somewhat near future so I can tell how many times Sophie changes appearances and if it connects to what is happening in any given scene.

Plus, you've gotta love the magical castle! It's so cool! I want one!

Yes, I'll definitely recommend this one. (As I have so far with all of the Miyazaki films)
