Castle in the Sky (1986)

Today's movie of the day = Castle in the Sky. I'm continuing my Hayao Miyazaki film marathon. I could say I had seen this one before but apparently not. Maybe I mixed it up with Howl's Moving Castle.

They should make a drinking game for this one. Any time Sheeta says Pavu or the reverse, take a shot. You'd be blackout drunk within ten minutes! I swear that half of the dialogue was this combination.

I'm not complaining, however, as this film was a good one. The adventure Sheeta and Pavu go on is a fun one. That and you get to root for the pirates!

Once again, they imagery that Miyazaki shows is beautiful. One of the great things about his films is that he has no restrictions in what can be shown as it's all hand drawn. So, be instead of spending millions on CGI, it can be done equally as interesting without the big budget.

I liked the story in this one. It flowed really well and I didn't get bored at any point. The adventure of getting to the castle felt like an 80s film (because it was).

Yes, I'll recommend this. (Keep in mind, I'll likely recommend all Miyazaki films as I'm a fan)
