Today's movie of the day = The Eternals.
This over has been getting somewhat panned by reviewers but I enjoyed it. It falls solidly into that middle of the pack for MCU films. I will say that I went into it with no prior knowledge of the comic series.
I liked that it wasn't your typical story in the MCU. There were no sky lasers or anything like that. Instead, they change things up about halfway through the film and I liked the direction it took. There is even an existential question in there that really has no right or wrong answer.
There were a lot of characters to introduce. They did a mostly good job of doing so. Some of them got more screen time than others so they are easier to remember. My favorite was Gilgamesh as he would be the character most like me both in regards to personality and powers.
They did throw an unnecessary kink in one of the character's problems which didn't really lead anywhere. That and another character had weird motives.i also could NOT separate The Homelander from The Boys with Ikarus from this film. I think it's because they had similar powers and looked exactly the same.
Speaking of looking exactly the same, was it really necessary to get two of the House Stark boys? I had a hard time keeping them separated in my head.
Overall it was a decent film. It was entertaining and I loved the split of ideals. They did throw in seemingly generic creatures they had to fight but oh well. They did build up one bad guy a bunch only to have no payoff.
It isn't without it's problems but it is entertaining. Yes, I will recommend it.
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