Escape Room: Tournament of Champions (2021)

Today's movie of the day = Escape Room: Tournament of Champions. Since I watched the first one yesterday I felt I had to watch this one today.

I liked the first one better as it was more focused on the challenges. This one purposefully tried to add some background story to extend the franchise. In doing so, it made the challenges less of a focus which was the fun part of the first film. That and the challenges in the first movie seemed more 'real' than this one.

It was still entertaining but it lost a little of the charm of the first film. The last fifteen minutes, in particular, you really have to suspend disbelief as they throw a bunch of plot twists that just don't make much sense, IMHO. In the first film I wanted the main character to succeed. In this one, I didn't care one way or another.

Oh, and the first ten minutes or so are a recap of the first film and in a 1 1/2 hour runtime, that's a lot of time to dedicate to likely fans who saw the first one.

I'd still recommend it but not nearly as much as the first one. It still has entertainment value but there is no need to rush to buy this one.
