Daybreakers (2009)

Today's movie of the day = Daybreakers. Since my friend and I were chatting about vampire movies the other day I felt it fitting up finally watch this.

It was an interesting take on the genre. Some things were a little too 'easy' when it came to progressing the story but overall it wasn't bad.

The key idea is that vampires have taken over and humans are near extinct. This also means that there aren't enough humans left to feed the vampires and it is causing big problems.

There is a bit of recognition here about social stratification between the haves and have nots. It also plays into the role of the military during emergencies but to a much lesser extent.

I can't write too much more without giving much away. Like I said before, the 'solution' was a little too easy if you ask me. That and I have to suspend my disbelief that a particular action hadn't happened to anyone before this point.

It was entertaining and a decent vampire film. It was a different take and I enjoyed it. When I looked it up in IMDB it appears there was a television show as well.

As a vampire film, yes, I will recommend this one.
