The Night of the Hunter (1955)

Today's movie of the day = The Night of the Hunter. When I went searching for black and white horror films, this one came up and got good reviews so I decided to dig in. Don't be fooled, it's not a horror / monster film at all! It wasn't a bad suspense film but they certainly tried to extend out a fairly simple concept. Robert Mitchum was good as the Reverend but I got the idea and it seems like they just wanted to run it for an extra hour. Instead, the kids could have rehid the money at any time (or, at the very least the boy could have) and it would have made more sense. My problem with it is that it drops the ball in the last fifteen minutes. The suspense that had been building just falls flat. By that time I didn't care anymore. And the decision made in the end made no sense. Overall I'm glad I saw it for historical film purposes but no, I would not recommend this one.
