Today's movie of the day = The Bride of Frankenstein. I had not seen this one before. One thing that was great about it is that it had the scene between Frankenstein's Monster and they blind guy which is directly paralleled in Young Frankenstein. The bit of trivia for this one is that the Bride is only on screen for three minutes.
I liked this one. It did seem somewhat self-serving that Frankenstein's Monster learns to speak so quickly but hey, it's better than him grunting his way through another script. You also feel a little worse for him in this film as all he really wants is a friend. When he gets one it shows he has some compassion.
The thing I chuckled about was how they tried to get him to have the vices of drinking and smoking. They might as well have thrown in gambling and womanizing while they were at it. (Although it can be argued that the Monster didn't care about a relationship as much as just having a woman)
Overall this one was a fun follow up. They changed the makeup slightly but after being burned, shot, and beat to heck, it might have looked different. I would recommend this one with the same caveat as the other two films that these are for the cinemaphiles and horror lovers out there.
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