The Amazing Spider-Man 2 (2014)

Today's second movie of the day = The Amazing Spider-man 2. I'm continuing Rook's Spider-man education before the new one in December. I must say, the rewatching of Andrew Garfield's performances makes me wonder why I rated him higher than Tobey Maguire. In the rewatch of both of these films I realize how little emotion and how mopey he is as a character, both as Peter and as Spider-man. One thing I realized, however, is that these followed the success of the gritty darkness of The Dark Knight series so I think the director (or writers) were trying to go for that 'edgy' feel. The problem is, it doesn't work with Spider-man. Yes, he definitely has tragedy in his life but he doesn't let it define him. In these two films it does. He's constantly whiny about the past. One thing that really bugs me is how useless the entire 'dead parents' part of the story feel entirely flat. If it was completely removed from the movies it wouldn't make a lick of difference. Electro and his backstory were also useless. It seems like they wanted to use and dump his character so we could see something shiny and hope the viewer doesn't really notice that there was no end point to the character. And don't get me started on Hobgoblin as they Venom'ed him. There and gone with no purpose outside of introducing the concept of the Sinister Six. I will say that I am happy they had the nards to kill off a character though. That was the one good choice in the writing that had any emotional impact. The rest was whining Peter but this one was actually meaningful. I still rate Spider-man 3 below The Amazing Spider-man 2, but just barely. I've also put Tobey Maguire back in second place behind Tom Holland for the best Spider-man. Oh, and I really wish that Rhino would have had his own film as Paul Giamatti was a blast in the short time he was on screen. I only recommend this movie to prepare for No Way Home. Other than that, I'd skip it.
