Starting again...

In an effort to remove some negativity from my life I've decided to remove myself from social media. I have since removed my Facebook, Twitter, SnapChat, and all other accounts and plan on following through getting rid of Instagram by the end of the month. While I will miss my friends, both real and virtual, being on social media was just toxic. It not only got to be a battle of 'sides' in regards to politics, but the sheer amount of time I spent scrolling through entry after entry was far more than anyone should ever do.
I've had friends who have said that I should just limit my time on the platforms but I just don't work that way. It's all-in for me. Instead, I will just cut it out. Hopefully this will also be a chance for me to reconnect with people in real life, rather than just virtually. While I've met some amazing people on the internets, I have also seen the rise in anger and hate across our nation and it is disheartening. I was using social media as the equivalent of a shared diary but now I'll just keep that to here. I'll still be posting my reviews, things that interest me, and more, but I'll do so here, where I have more control and I don't need to spend a long time mindlessly scrolling. So, come in and drop by from time-to-time. I know the likelihood of it is far less than it would be on social media but hey, now this can be my diary and if you find interest in what I have to say, let me know! Sincerely, Mr. Raz
