Spider-man 3 (2007)

Today's second movie of the day = Spider-man 3. I'm continuing Rook's education on the Spider-man films so he can be prepared for December. I forgot how incredibly bad this one was. Not just bad, incredibly bad. I hate to badmouth my guy, Sam Raimi, but he dropped the ball, popped it, and ran it over with a steamroller to be sure. The first Spider-man was good in spite of having a Power Ranger for a bad guy. Part two was actually really good and had great characters and character development. Then this steaming turd hit with three and they threw out any and all growth out the window. The only character I cared about at all was Sandman and they left him out of most of the film. The Mary Jane storyline was a complete and total waste. The Hobgoblin storyline was played out in the last film. Having Venom in the movie as he was was a complete disservice to the character. Sandman at least had some background story that made sense. I forgot to mention how bad the CGI was. Where the first two films had at least a mix of CGI and practical effects, they weren't nearly as bad as this one. It was so so bad! Overall it's good to see this one again in preparation for the new one but it scrapes the bottom of the Spider-man barrel and should only be watched as a curiosity or to be prepared for the Multiverse.
