Today's movie of the day = Spider Baby, or The Maddest Story Ever Told. No, it's not the prequel to Spider-man. This one starred Lon Chaney, Jr. and a couple of other folks. I was recommended it by @movieraygun
Overall it was a pretty good horror movie overall. I got vibes of The Hills Have Eyes or Wrong Turn in that it was about a bunch of isolated redneck types of characters who did their own thing and if you happened to encroach on their territory, well, let's just say bad things happen.
I will say to never watch this film with a drinking game mentality of taking a shot wherever the word 'spider' is mentioned. You'll be drunk within a few minutes!
The family and chauffeur, who live at the house were all solid. The explanation for why they are the way they are was weak but it didn't matter because it was all about the weird, non-suburbian, feel the characters portrayed.
Lon Chaney, Jr. is always fun to watch because he plays monsters and creepy characters but he has a charisma about him that makes you want to be his best friend. :)
I do have one fairly large complaint about the music, however. They put in the 'silly' ha-ha music more associated with The Addams Family or The Munsters when things aren't meant to be funny so it sends mixed messages. If they had creepy music in those scenes it would be a lot more impactful.
Overall I enjoyed it. It was just off the wall enough and it can be seen as an early step at the oddities in the woods genre that it is unique in that manner.
Yes, I will recommend it but also be aware that it does get a little hokey at times.
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