Carnival of Souls (1962)

Today's movie of the day = Carnival of Souls. I had not seen this one before. It ended up being OK but I have issues. My biggest being that it feels like a Twilight Zone episode that could easily have been trimmed down to a 30- to 45- minute episode and not lost any context. There were side stories in this film that didn't matter in the slightest. And the 'twist' at the end was a HUGE duh! The 'Carnival' in the title was more of the fact that they had a beat down abandoned carnival to film at, more than any real connection to one in the story. The overuse of pipe organ music got on my nerves as well. It's supposed to be creepy and eerie but instead just turned out to be annoying. One of my biggest complaints was the douchy guy across the hall who had no idea of what boundaries were. Another complaint is, why was this one guy the one haunting her? It is never explained and there is no connection between the haunting and the events. There was no purpose to take story. I guess having a director named Herk should have made me think twice. Now that I'm writing this review out and recognizing the flaws, I can't really recommend this one.
