Porco Rosso (1992)

Today's movie of the day = Porco Rosso. This is another of the Miyazaki films I hadn't seen before. It centers around pig-man (I just watched that episode of Seinfeld yesterday), Porco Rosso.

This was a fun one. It had a good sense of humor. There is a little bit of a Beauty and the Beast vibe, in a way. There is never a definitive answer as to why he is a pig man so don't ask. :)

The characters were fun, the story was fun, overall it was fun. I did it interesting that Miyazaki is so enamored with flying. Every film so far focuses heavily on the sky. I'm not sure if that's purposeful or not.

Tomorrow I get back to more of his films that I'm familiar with. Princess Mononoke will be first on the list.

One thing I am learning, from this marathon of Miyazaki, is that I've gained even more of an appreciation for his works. I've enjoyed every film thoroughly and I see them now for the genius they are. I enjoyed them when I saw them the first time but put together as a set it is clear to me how his imagination gives life to these worlds.

Yes, I'd recommend Porco Rosso and it is a good family film.
