Body Bags (1993)

Today's movie of the day = John Carpenter Presents Body Bags. This one escaped my knowledge and I'm not sure who. I typically love these anthology type of offbeat horror. Movies like Creepshow, Twilight Zone: The Movie, Cat's Eye, and those are usually silly fun horror films.

This one had cameos from some greats including John Carpenter, Wes Craven, Sam Raimi, Greg Nicotero, and Roger Corman. It also starred a ton of C-List actors including Mark Hamill and his twigs and berries.

This one breaks down into three stories, narrated by a supposed mortician with a sick sense of humor. There is one about a gas station killer, one about hair (directed by Carpenter), and one about eye surgery.

The three stories are hokey fun with the hair one being three hokiest. That one starred Stacy Keach and David Warner. Having recent memories of Roadgames made me like Keach in his silly role.

The Mark Hamill story about eye surgery has been done so many times there wasn't much different to the story. It also starred Twiggy.

Anyhow, the point is that these are pure cheese but it's the kinda cheese I like. If you're looking for rocket science, don't watch this one. If, however, you want a fun popcorn film, this is it. I do like some of the other titles I mentioned earlier a bit better, but this still had its moments.

I'll recommend it but don't take it too seriously or you won't get anything out of it.
