Greenland (2020)

Today's movie of the day = Greenland. This was one of the few releases last year. It's a disaster film but focuses more on a family than that disaster. Overall it was ok. It was better than a lot of these types of films but by midway through the film I just didn't care about the family anymore. So much so that I was starting to root for the comet to get them! I think the big problem is that they tried to make it about the perils the family faced but at almost no point did they really see hurried. They knew big bad things were happening and it was more of an average pace to get to where they needed to be. Instead, seeing things that were happening, you'd figure they would be a bit more hard-pressed to get things done. Oh, and the mom had to open her big mouth in the hangar! I don't know, I just didn't really care if the big one hit. Overall it had some entertainment value but I just didn't connect with the film. I'd rather go watch some purposeful cheese like The Core which knows it's silly but is still fun. I'd partially recommend this if you have time on your hands and not much else to watch. It's not horrible but it's not really good either.
